how many sexual partners is too many

How many sexual partners is too many?

One of the reasons that the number of people you’ve had sex with comes up is that your potential partner might judge you to see if you’re so-called high-quality. Some people find it a turn-off when their potential partner has slept with too many people. What that number is varies

intimacy as a single parent

Where to find intimacy as a single parent

Dating or having sex is difficult as is, but it can be more challenging when you’re looking for intimacy as a single parent. You may struggle to find time for anything other than your career and child or a partner because you’re considered by some as having baggage.

express your sexual desires

How to express your sexual desires

Sex is a very intimate experience, and many people have inhibitions about expressing their desires. Some are even apprehensive about telling their partner what they would like to do in bed. It’s normal not to want to express your sexual desires because of fear of humiliation

places people admitted to having sex

Weirdest places people admitted to having sex

When Americans were surveyed about their sex lives, information about places that people admitted to having sex was discovered. More than half of the participants admitted to having sex outside of the bedroom, and some had answers that may even give you ideas.

how to suggest a threesome

How to suggest a threesome to your partner

Let’s face it, most of us have thought about having a threesome whether we were single or in a relationship. It’s something new, fun, exciting and so hot. Having a threesome poses several challenges, especially if you’re in a relationship. Your partner might not be up for it

nye sex without going to a club

Places to find NYE sex without going to a club

We’re days away from 2021, and most of us want to end the year off with a bang. Whether you’re not a nightclub person or are restricted from going there, you can still get laid without waiting in long queues, paying an entrance fee and feeling irritated because someone bumped

sex interest increases during the festive season

Why sex interest increases during the festive season

Studies have proven that sex interest increases during the festive season. That makes sense because every year, more and more people are born in August or September. It seems that their efforts are paying off. What is it about the festive season that makes most people feel friskier