erotica lust is five years old

Erotica lust is five years old in march

Wow, time flies. I was just thinking about the topic to write today so I could publish a post every Friday like I’ve been doing for the last five years. Actually, there was only one Friday that I hadn’t posted because I forgot, but I published a post the following day

love came easily

Love came easily and went away too soon

The twenty people in front of me clapped after I finished the last song. This wasn’t how I pictured my career turning out at the age of forty. I thought I would be selling stadiums. Producing great songs wasn’t enough in this industry to make it big

romance and kink

romance and kink are in the air tonight

It’s February 14. Happy Valentine’s Day. And it just so happens to fall on a Friday. Great day to go out and meet somebody if you’re alone. Unless, you’re in a rainy, breezy place with temperatures at almost 0 degrees. That’s where I am at the moment

erotica lust youtube channel

erotica lust youtube channel with video stories

Most of the content on this blog is either short stories or articles. I’m a writer, so I enjoy written content the most. But I understand that a lot of people enjoy video content. I wanted to cater to the different needs of people who enjoy erotica, so I started a YouTube

erotic suspense novel

my erotic suspense novel is heavily discounted

In 2021, I published my debut novel, My Wife and Girlfriend. For the first two years, I hardly did any marketing for the book. But then, in 2024, I started getting reviews for it, and most of them were positive. Sure, some people didn’t like the book

embrace love

Letting go of the past to embrace love

I down another shot of tequila. I think that was the fifth one. Maybe sixth. I’m not sure. Who cares? It’s not like anyone at home is going to complain if I come late or drunk. I tap the shot glass on the bar, and the barman nods at me

The sequel to my wife and girlfriend

In 2018, I wrote a short story about a man who made a bucket list of all the things that he wanted to accomplish before dying. He felt that his life was stale and by ticking off items from the bucket list, he would be satisfied with the life he had lived.

get into bed with

Know the person you get into bed with

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Mr Walters. He was my father’s right-hand man for almost twenty years. “My condolences, Keira. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” I nodded. My father spoke highly of Mr Walters

happy new year

Happy new year from erotica lust

The year 2024 went by so quickly. It’s unbelievable. So many positive things happened to me in the year that I’m truly grateful. One of my biggest blessings is readers visiting this blog and reading the short stories and articles that I publish every Friday.