After working on my debut novel for three years, I’m proud to say that I launch it today. My Wife and Girlfriend novel is finally out. The publication process was challenging, to say the least, but it taught me important lessons about the industry.

The story is about Warren Clad’s dream of having children, which shatters when he finds out that his wife can’t have children. He meets a stripper, Gisele, who is luscious, fertile and open to Warren’s charms. Their friendship leads to them getting closer and opens the door to trouble in Warren’s marriage.

You can imagine that the love triangle causes Warren endless problems, but it also possibly opens the door to his new life. The story is filled with heartache, joy, inspiration, love and lessons from my life (I was surprised to read how much of my life was in the book).

I categorised the story as erotic suspense because it contains quite a few sex scenes, but it will also keep you on the edge of your seat to find out how Warren resolves the endless problems that come his way. Some are more serious than others and lead to someone being shot.

In fact, the book begins: “No!” she screamed as two bodies thudded the floor. I dashed into the lounge. DOOF! The gunshot echoed around the room. The third person ran out as blood dripped on the floor.

To find out who gets shot and what happens to them, you’ll have to read the book. My private readers have said that the pacing is great because there’s always something happening that made them want to read on.

While sex plays a role in the plot, the book is about three people and their struggle to find the solution to having a family. I don’t doubt that you’ll relate to some of their problems.

The best part about this book is that it’s part of a three-book series. I’ve already written the other two books, and they’ll be out in the months to come.

The book is available on my Online Shop

Alternatively, you can check out my books on my Amazon Author Central Page

You can also find my books on Smashwords

I hope you enjoy it.


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