couple having sex

7 Tips for having sex for the first time

Everybody’s sexual journal is different. We have sex for the first time at different ages, with different races and people of all kinds of backgrounds. There are more than 7 billion people in the world, which means many people have had sex, but there are lots who still haven’t

read erotic stories

reasons that should make you read erotic stories

Erotic content is available all over the internet. Although pornographic videos garner a lot of views, some people prefer to leave erotic scenes to the imagination. Since sex is more mental than physical, many people have discovered pleasure in reading erotic material.

sex mistakes women make

Sex mistakes women make that men hate

Sex is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. Satisfying a man in bed is definitely one of the ways to keep him around; let’s be frank. A man’s job is to satisfy his woman, and it’s her job to do the same. A relationship is called a partnership for a reason.

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women view these types as the best vibrators

Sex toys is a billion-dollar industry. There are numerous manufacturers that have produced all kinds of sex toys, so the market is saturated with them, but it seems that consumers can’t get enough. Every year, the sex toy industry grows by billions of dollars.

sex positions that make women orgasm

8 best sex positions that make women orgasm

If you ever thought about what the best sex positions that make women orgasm are, then you have something in common with most of humanity. It’s not only men who have tried to figure it out, but women also want to know what to instruct their men to do. Most women don’t