our travels led us to a dead end

Our global travels led us to a dead end

My teeth chattered, and I tucked my head in between my raised shoulders as a gale almost blew me over. Maybe walking around the city in December wasn’t the best idea. I had gotten fed up with being indoors because of the miserable weather and needed to get out.

most popular short stories and articles

The most popular short stories and articles of 2021

It’s been a year of growth and an introduction of new products for Erotica Lust in 2021. Not only did I start an Erotica Lust Podcast, but September was the debut of my erotic suspense novel, My Wife and Girlfriend. I published short stories and articles every Friday

my best friend's girl

Keeping an eye on my best friend’s girl

Zedd tried to get Bianca off his mind by telling himself, ‘That’s my best friend’s girl. I can’t be thinking about her this way,’ but he couldn’t help himself. Tyler’s heartbeat gained momentum as he thought about going into the field again. For the last three months

value of friendship

Two women realise the value of friendship

“How’d the gig go, Mon?” asked Shirley. Ten people showed up.” Shirley’s eyes broadened. “Hey, that’s an improvement. Things are getting better.” “I guess if you look at it like that.” Monica slumped onto the sofa and sighed. Shirley sat beside her, held her hand and rubbed her arm.