Update on the erotica lust podcast

In case you didn’t know, Erotica Lust has a podcast. I noticed about two years ago that audio stories are extremely popular, and I wanted my readers to enjoy my stories by listening to them. Many of the stories on this blog contain audio

the one who hesitates

The one who hesitates, masturbates

To have sex with the woman you want, you need to approach her. You might meet women at work or through friends, but there’s no doubt you saw an attractive woman in public. To get her into your bed, you need to first talk to her.

uncommon places to find partners

Uncommon places to find partners for hookups

You know that nightclubs, bars and other social events are usually target-rich environments for people looking for sex. But what if that’s not your scene or you haven’t had any luck in those places? You might want to try the places that have worked

saving your virginity for marriage

Is saving your virginity for marriage noble?

In today’s world, where many people sleep around and have high body counts, you’re a black sheep if you’re a virgin. Some virgins are afraid to mention their status because of shaming tactics employed by those who believe they’re superior