Having an income, growing financially and providing for yourself is important. Some people make their job or business their priority. I certainly do because I want to make something of myself. I also figure that it will be much easier to attract the woman I want when I’m able to provide a great life for our family.

To do that, I need money. The more money I have, the better we can live. It’s not about impressing her or attracting her with the money but providing a life for us that’s enjoyable and without financial struggles. Also, I love to write. So, it’s not as if I hate doing it.

Right now, actually, I have a job that I dislike. It requires me to work during the night. Sometimes I start at 8 pm and and end at 9 am the following morning. The work, itself, is also awful. It’s ventilation maintenance, which requires me to get dirty. Sometimes, my face is completely covered in grease. It’s really unpleasant. But I’m doing it to save money. Actually, I’ve already handed in my resignation.

Arriving home from work in the morning leaves me exhausted for the rest of the day. I don’t feel like doing anything besides resting. My body feels drained. Because of the severe exhaustion, I haven’t had the energy to write short stories on this blog. Hence, another article this week. I really want to get back to writing short stories because I enjoy exploring my creativity. But I’m really tired.

Usually, I post a short story on a Friday for two weeks, followed by an article. Recently, most of my posts have been articles because they’re easier to write than short stories. I haven’t had the energy to be creative, and that’s not good.

That’s going to change in November because my last day is on 31 October. Not only have I not had the energy to write because of my job, but I get tired when I go out on my off days. I usually walk around high-traffic spots to meet women. While I have met a few of them, it’s not nearly the way it used to be.

I just feel physically drained. And sometimes, even talking to them feels forced. I’m tired and talking to them feels like I’m exerting myself and draining more energy. I shouldn’t feel like that, but I do.

Having this job has shown me the importance of doing the work you love. Because when you do what you love, you don’t consider it to be work. Also, doing what you love boosts your energy, not drain it. You feel great and not like you have to get through the day just to collect money.

I’ve strayed from my purpose far too many times because of a pay cheque. I had to provide a living for myself, but it’s happened too many times. If you want to be reminded that life is short, just go to a graveyard. That’s what I did, and I saw the tombstones of many people younger than me. It could be me next.

And the last thing I want is to be doing something I don’t enjoy because my time is precious. I want to use it to move towards my goal and to follow my purpose. My time and energy are precious, and I need to value them.

I also enjoy going out for a few hours a week and chatting up women. It’s really fun but not when I’m drained.

Since I started this job, I’ve met less women, and, sometimes, I don’t even feel like going out. Worst of all, I’ve also lost weight because I got sick from exhaustion and lost my appetite. My dating life has been affected, but I’m glad to have work. It’s not easy to make a living. But some jobs are just not meant for some people. And that’s the place where I’m at the moment.

It’s really important to do the work that you love. It shows on your face when you communicate with women. How am I supposed to pick up a woman when I feel miserable? Not doing the work you love affects many areas of your life. It has a big impact on your happiness. And people see it.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I’m grateful for having received this job because it helped me to save money, and I gained several lessons from it and saw my weaknesses. All in all, I’m glad I took this job, but I’ll be even happier when my last day arrives.

This job showed me that I need to pursue my dreams because life is too short and I’m only truly happy when I’m doing what I love—writing books, stories and helping people to improve their finances. My latest book is actually a personal finance book. I’m looking forward to promoting it and also my fiction books. It’s time.

I’ve been neglecting that for a few years, and that’s not good. I need to give it my all to do what I truly love and make a living from it. When I do what I love, I feel like I’m full of life. I smile more because it’s a rewarding process and everything feels right.

Next year, I’ll be 40 years old. If I don’t fully commit to my dream right now and go full-heartedly after it, then when is it finally going to happen? It needs to happen now so that I’m the best version of myself because I feel fulfilled and that I’m on my purpose.

The point of this post was to remind myself that I need to get back on the path that I had laid for myself a few years ago but always somehow managed to stray from it. Let my story also be motivation for you to pursue your goals and live the life that you really want.

When you do that, you become a completely different person, one who’s more joyful and pleasant to be with. The opposite sex notices your smile and you seem more attractive. Your joy is on full display to the world. Rather exude jubilation than misery. Nobody likes a miserable person.

Not only will you be a happier person following your dreams, but your dating and sex life will also likely improve because you’ve become more attractive. But even if your sex life doesn’t improve, being on your purpose offers so many rewards.

If you don’t do it now, then when?


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READ NEXT: The Season When Most People Are Intimate

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