using my curves

Using my curves to get what I want

After graduating with an Honours in Economics, I studied to become a Certified Financial Analyst. My fascination with finance led me to become a trader at Brookestone Investments. I didn’t want to be one of those social media bimbos who flaunted her ass to reach high stations.

Help a writer out to get free content

Erotica Lust celebrates its second anniversary in March. The site’s readership has more than doubled, and I even published a free book for our readers. I also updated all the stories with audio. All of that costs money, and the site’s annual subscription fees are due.

sleeping with married women for revenge

Sleeping with married women for revenge

Macy’s head snapped up, and she shot out several consecutive screams as I pounded her hard in the ass. I bit my lip and grabbed her shoulders, thrusting my hips vigorously. She let out a few grunts, sounding like an infusion of pleasure and pain. A cunning smile appeared on my face

hiding from love

Hiding from love made me very bitter

“Thank you for coming,” I said to a customer before closing the door after a gruelling first day. After cashing up, I sat on the stool where customers fitted shoes, then looked around. My lips curled as I admired the shiny shoes, amazed at what I had accomplished.

our travels led us to a dead end

Our global travels led us to a dead end

My teeth chattered, and I tucked my head in between my raised shoulders as a gale almost blew me over. Maybe walking around the city in December wasn’t the best idea. I had gotten fed up with being indoors because of the miserable weather and needed to get out.

most popular short stories and articles

The most popular short stories and articles of 2021

It’s been a year of growth and an introduction of new products for Erotica Lust in 2021. Not only did I start an Erotica Lust Podcast, but September was the debut of my erotic suspense novel, My Wife and Girlfriend. I published short stories and articles every Friday