nurse goes beyond the call of duty

A nurse goes beyond the call of duty

I peered and mumbled. My head feels like it’s holding up a ton of bricks. What happened? Where am I? I put my hand on my head and try to raise it from the pillow but to no avail. It’s too heavy. I wanna go back to sleep

erotica lust podcast is back

Erotica lust podcast is back with season 2

Season 1 of the Erotica Lust podcast had 87 episodes. The season finale was published in July 2022, and the final episode, Intimacy Awaited Me at My Weekend Getaway, has more than 76,000 listens. I was impressed by that number

seeks fun on valentine's day

An escort seeks fun on valentine’s day

My smart watch informs me of a notification. It’s an escort’s best friend. Lots of crazies out there. My location feeds directly to the security company I hired to protect me. And when I scream for help, the watch automatically dials 911