The adult online industry has grown heaps and bounds in the last decade. Webcam sites, Only Fans and other adult sites have made it easy for women to make money from sexual activities.

It’s easy to set up an account on an adult site, upload content and interact with viewers to entice them to subscribe to your channel. Money is usually the main appeal of these avenues for women, but how did they get to the point in their lives to choose this path?

Besides women who opt for the adult online industry to make a living, a lot of women have become sexually liberated. Some women feel that they have the right to sleep with as many men as possible without facing any consequences.

Women can sleep with whom they want, but they could struggle to convince the man of their dreams to marry them if they have had a large number of sexual partners. We, men, don’t want to be in a serious relationship with a woman who’s slept around. Most men don’t want a slut as their wife.

What has caused a lot of women to become sexually liberated and for some to turn to the adult online industry?

There are several reasons, but I think the main one is the absence of fathers or good male role models. Many single mothers do a great job at feeding their daughters and providing as much as they can, but some do a lousy job at disciplining them.

I believe that’s because mothers tend to, usually, be softer on their children than fathers. I know that’s not always the case, but it applies to most households.

The rise of single motherhood in the last few decades means that fewer daughters receive the type of discipline that fathers provide. Most fathers don’t want to see their daughters dancing on a pole, having sex on camera or being highly sexually active.

Also, a daughter who respects her father doesn’t want to disappoint him. She wants to make him proud, and she knows that he’ll frown upon promiscuity. Young women who grew up with a father who disciplined them are less likely to be highly sexually active and venture into the adult industry.

On the other hand, young women without a positive male role model in their lives and ones raised by single mothers are more likely to feel freedom to do whatever it is they want. That’s because, in most instances, their mothers won’t punish them for bad behaviour. But more importantly, they don’t have a father figure to disappoint.

A father figure is extremely important in every household. He’ll provide safety, guidance and love to his daughter. He’ll teach her the way to treat people, the types of men to avoid and the behaviour he won’t tolerate from her.

She’ll appreciate him being there for her, and she’ll try her best to live up to his expectations because she’ll feel indebted for his kindness. A woman who grew up without a father figure hasn’t felt the love, care and protection that he offers.

She may resent her life because she missed out on those privileges and will deliberately pursue promiscuous opportunities as a way of getting back at the world. But the only person she’ll be destroying is herself.



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