It’s been a few weeks since I published a short story. I know that most visitors to the blog enjoy reading the short stories, so that’s what I’m going to give.

For the last few months, I’ve been focused on my vending machine business, personal finance blog and a romance novel. I found it challenging to find inspiration to come up with good stories for the blog. That’s what I want—excellent erotic short stories for you to enjoy.

And that’s what you’re going to get.

I’ve been dawdling with these short stories. Although it’s true that my creativity for coming up with great plots dwindled, I’m making a comeback. Truth be told, I didn’t dedicate a lot of time to coming up with a premise that many people will enjoy. And that’s changing, starting today.

I publish a new post every Friday on this blog. For the last few weeks, you would’ve noticed several articles. Next week, I’ll publish a short story. Regarding the quality, all I can tell you is that I’ll put a lot of effort to ensure that it’s top-notch.

If the story is good enough for me, all I can hope is that it’s good enough for you. The only thing I can give is my best. That’s what you’re going to get. I’m going to think of a great plot. After I’m certain that the premise is great, I’ll come up with an ending you’ll never guess.

One of the things that people really enjoyed about the early posts on this blog is that my stories contained twists. I’m bringing those back. No more publishing for the sake of publishing. You deserve the best, even though you’re not paying for it. Hahahaha.

What can I do? I love this stuff, and I’m prepared to offer my best efforts for free. Unfortunately, most people don’t appreciate free things. But I’m also doing this for myself. Writing short stories improves my writing, and I’ll always be a continuous student of the art.

I look forward to coming up with a great story for you to enjoy. Look out for it on 14 June. From then, it’s all systems go. You can expect me to keep up that momentum, so I’ll publish a new short story every Friday.

Sounds good?



READ NEXT: What it Means When She Withholds Sex

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