Some people who find it difficult to have sex only with their spouse may suggest an open marriage. At first, this sounds like a great idea. You get to have sex with your spouse and with other men or women.

That’s the part that sounds appealing, but your spouse is also going to have sex with other people. And that’s the part that most people, especially men, have a problem with. They don’t want their wives sleeping around with other men.

In cases where one spouse initiates the open marriage conversation, it’s usually the man who is more bothered with the idea if it’s his wife who broaches the topic. The reason is that men are territorial. They don’t want other men using their assets. Once it’s been used, it feels worn out and it no longer holds the same value.

For most men, having sex with a woman who isn’t their spouse is, usually, only a physical act. We can have sex with many women whom we have no feelings for and then just walk away from them. For women, sex is, usually, an emotional experience. She connects with her sexual partner on more than just a physical level. And that’s what men have a problem with. They don’t want their wives to connect with another man on an emotional level. And there’s always a chance that may happen if she sleeps with a man.

The inverse is also possible. But most men who want open marriages prefer that dynamic because it grants them access to sex with other women. In most cases, they’re not interested in forming a relationship with another woman because they already have a wife.

But when a woman suggests sleeping with other men, her husband immediately begins to question himself as a man. Am I not good enough in bed for her? Has she fallen in love with me? Did she ever love me?

These are the questions that circulate in a man’s mind when she makes such a proposal.

Some men might go along with the idea, at first, because they get to sleep with other women. Inevitably, they dislike that dynamic because it causes a rift in their marriage. Because the wife is having sex with other men, she might not be interested in having sex with her husband any more. Or, she has cut back on the number of times she has sex with her husband in a month.

Marriage is sacred. It’s shared between two people. When one partner suggests inviting others into that marriage, the bond between the two partners wanes and sometimes disappears completely.

I saw a statistic that said, open marriages have an eight percent chance of succeeding. I think it’s difficult to get an accurate statistic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that percentage is near accurate.



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