Wow, time flies. I was just thinking about the topic to write today so I could publish a post every Friday like I’ve been doing for the last five years. Actually, there was only one Friday that I hadn’t posted because I forgot, but I published a post the following day.
It occurred to me that this blog will be five years old in March. I’ve published more than 270 posts, a combination of short stories and articles. That took a lot of work, and I did it all for free. All the posts are available for free to read.
The biggest improvement that I’ve noticed regarding the posts on this blog is my writing. I feel that it has improved significantly. The drawback of this blog is that the number of visitors hasn’t increased significantly since the first year. That’s a bummer, but I keep posting because I love to write.
At this point, I’m keeping this blog online more for myself than anyone else. I haven’t made a profit for any of the five years that I’ve run this blog, so it’s definitely a hobby, rather than a business venture. I’ll just keep posting and hope that I find a way to drive much more traffic to this blog because I think it’s got some great short stories.
The upside of having this blog is that I’ve made my debut novel, My Wife and Girlfriend, available here. I’m currently working on the sequel, and I plan to release it this year. I’ve had good reviews about the first book, and I actually think that the sequel is even better.
I’m also planning on releasing the second volume of 10 Erotic Short Stories. Now that I think about it, I should get stuck into that book and release it ASAP. Hmmm. I think I should definitely revisit it and begin working towards publishing it.
Although I haven’t made any serious money from this blog, I’m glad that I started it. If anything, this blog helped me to improve my writing, and that alone makes it worth all the money and time I’ve invested in it.
Thank you for visiting this blog, and I look forward to publishing posts for the next five years and beyond.