Subconsciously or consciously, many women do certain things that repel men. For some women, it’s a strategy to keep unattractive men at bay. But that can also backfire by keeping the desirable ones away as well.

Some of the behaviours that women have adopted are wearing earphones/headphones, having a bitchy facial expression that screams ‘stay away from me’ and looking down at the ground while walking to avoid eye contact, which could invite conversation.

Most of those strategies are deliberate.

But what’s the one strategy that most women are doing and aren’t even aware that it’s keeping them single? Going out with friends.

Most people would rather go out with friends than by themselves. That’s normal. Who wants to go to a place where you don’t have anyone to talk to? But you, actually, do. You can talk to any stranger wherever you go.

Going out alone is great for character-building. When a guy goes out by himself, he forces himself to approach women. Otherwise, he’s going to look creepy, standing by himself and checking out the girls while holding a drink.

It’s rare to see a woman out by herself, especially at a night joint. Most women would rather go out with a girlfriend so that they don’t feel uncomfortable being alone. This decreases their chances of meeting a high-quality man.

Most men are afraid to approach a beautiful woman. If she has a friend with her, that amplifies his anxiety tenfold. He’s already nervous as is just thinking about talking to one woman. But now, he has to entertain the friend while trying to pick up the girl that he likes.

Ladies, seriously, how good do you think most guys are at picking up women? They’re not that good, and he’s likely to back out of approaching you because you’re out with your friend. His mind will make silly excuses not to approach you, such as, she’s talking to her friend, so she doesn’t want to be bothered.

If you’re a woman whose life depended on approaching an attractive man, would you prefer that he was alone or with a friend? Of course, you would want him to be alone. It makes the approach and conversation easier. Well, then, make it easier for him to come to talk to you.

Do yourself a massive favour and go out by yourself, ladies. I know it might feel uncomfortable the first few times that you do it, but you’ll get used to it. You might even learn to enjoy it.

Here’s some tips:

No matter how uncomfortable you feel being alone in a place, don’t leave for, at least, a few hours. Push through the uncomfortable feeling that’s telling you to leave. That voice is not doing you any favours. Stick it out until you’re comfortable being by yourself, even if you’re bored.

Go to an upmarket steak house or high-end cocktail bar and sit at the bar. These places are likely to have professional, mature, financially well-off men.

Wear a cocktail dress and high heels. Make sure your hair looks great, and don’t bother with too much makeup.

At the bar, sit at a forty-five-degree angle. You’re not facing the bar head-on; your body is tilted slightly to the side. When you have your back facing the venue, you look closed off. Tilting your body to the side enables people to see your face and it communicates openness.

Leave your phone at home and take a book with you. If you play on your phone, it looks as if you’re communicating with a person you’re supposed to meet up with. You don’t want to give off that impression. Communicate that you’re single. People read books when they’re by themselves.

Make sure that the chair next to you is available. When a man whom you’re not interested in asks if the seat is available, you say, ‘It’s not. I’m expecting someone.’ You are expecting someone.

Order a meal and a drink and enjoy them at the bar. You want to be there for as long as possible to increase the chances of the right man approaching you.

Intermittently, look behind you and smile. You don’t have to look at anyone in particular, but you want to convey that you’re friendly and open to meeting people. A smile and a scope of the venue lets men know that.

If you don’t meet a potential suitor the first night of going out solo, try it again. Try it several times. The universe will reward you for your efforts. Eventually, you’ll meet several high-quality men.



READ NEXT: The Worst Quality a Woman Has That Turns Men Off

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